Custom Farm Planning

Arena sizes and styles vary, round to square. We use a fabric base and grade for water drainage. Top layer options include sand, gravel, or other materials based on how you will use the arena. We offer a multitude of fencing styles to enclose the arena and keep horses in or out.

Water Systems & Irrigation
We are experienced with multiple types of water systems, from water troughs and faucets to K-line system irrigation. We provide the machinery and manpower, installing whatever you need to maintain your pastures and water your livestock. This also includes basic plumbing for faucets and other necessities next to noble shelters.

Farm Planning
Laying out and designing the right pasture setup and farm plan makes a world of difference when it comes to aesthetics, use and efficiency. We have over 30 years of experience to help with the proper setup for your needs, from fencing to pasture growth and maintenance.
Our experience is your gain. For the last 36 years, Warwick has worked closely with large and small farms, livestock and horse facilities, conservation districts, tribes, foresters, horticulture and orchard operations, and zoological organizations. In addition to fencing application, much of his skill has been in farm layout, strategy, business, and operations. Warwick’s extensive experiences with farming, small business and agriculture are foundational to the wealth of knowledge he provides to all, from the beginning pioneer/farmer through major commercial operations.
Warwick graduated with top honors from New Zealand’s premier agricultural school, and received a degree in Grasslands Management from England’s Royal Berkshire College of Agriculture. He and his family currently farm 150 acres on the Key Peninsula as Kaukiki Farm, a sustainable grass-fed livestock and hay production operation that keeps Warwick’s experience relevant and applicable in today’s environment and challenges.